Please find the call here:
Practice-led research
The central feature of this effort is a doctoral program built on the model of practice- and project-led research. A doctoral department is being organized with a focus on the humanities, creative practice, and heritage-centered studies. The new department will host doctoral candidates and provide cross-disciplinary and internationally-oriented instruction. The doctoral program will be jointly overseen by a member of the academic faculty and a practicing professional recognized in his or her field. Three-year doctoral contracts will be offered by the Paris Seine Graduate School. The doctorate in “Arts” is supported by ENSAPC; the other institutions making up PSGS-HCH will offer doctorates in “Theory and Practice of Literary Creation,” “Architecture,” “Landscape Design,” “Heritage Conservation and Restoration,” and “Heritage Studies.”
Doctoral degrees offered by ENSAPC
Research in and through the arts places artists, authors, creators, and their creative practices at the center of the methodological process. In this scheme, artistic research, closely linked with advanced professional experience, takes place through artistic practice. This form of research draws on the various stages of the creative process (from idea to execution and then to sharing), while also feeding that process. It rests on the linkage of theory and practice and is characterized by continuous, mindful attention to the back-and-forth between hands-on experimentation and analytic distance. Inventing its own forms, the results of the research must put thought into practice and practice into thought.
The call for applications is open to artists, creators and authors, active in the field of art and holders of a Master 2 or equivalent. All the information is presented in the doctoral regulations available as an attachment (at the bottom of the page).
Call for applications 2020
This call for applications aims to recruit PhD students for registration at the start of the academic year 2020-2021.
Closing of the deposit of the candidatures:
30 Avril 2020 at 12am :