Since 2018, ENSAPC has participated in a practice-led doctoral program within the Graduate School of Humanities, Creativity, and Heritage. In collaboration with the humanities and social sciences components of CY Cergy Paris University, the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles (ENSAV), the École Nationale Supérieure de Paysage de Versailles (ENSP) and the Institut National du Patrimoine (INP), this highly internationalized program is open to artists, architects, landscape architects, restorers, conservators, and authors (among others) holding a French 2-year master’s degree or equivalent.
The practice-led doctorate may be earned in one of five mentions: literary creation; architecture; landscape design; heritage preservation and restoration, heritage studies; and arts. Within the graduate school consortium, ENSAPC is responsible for the mention in arts. Candidates’ research is overseen jointly by an accredited research director at the CY Cergy Paris University Graduate School and by a recognized practitioner in the candidate’s field. Five doctoral funding contracts are allocated each year to candidates selected from the various mentions.
Applications may be submitted through the application platform from noon on March 15, 2021, through noon on April 22, 2021.
Documents relevant to the call for applications are available here.
Questions? Contact Annabela Tournon Zubieta, director of studies and research: