Ibai Hernandorena, NML et Mickey Pujolar Leray
« Futures récoltes »
Marie Ouazzani & Nicolas Carrier
Exhibition until 10 April by appointment only, from Wednesday to Saturday from 1pm to 5.30pm
Réservation: ygrec@ensapc.fr
‘Where Do We go From Here’ brings together the work of three artists whose creative protocols are nourished by the economic, social and architectural specificities of the landscapes which they intervene.
Mural created by Ibai Hernandorena is associated with a multitude of objects collected in the city of Aubervilliers and a sculpture-furniture-landscape adaptable to different uses. Designed to play the role of a sculpture/installation and a space for encounters and interactions, the ensemble challenges the idea of a space that favours frontality, the single viewpoint and contemplation to the detriment of living together. As for NML, she visited Albertivillarien.e.s by walking through new condominiums, old town houses and historical cities. The fragments of life that she collected fill the space of the art centre, materializing a word that is not very audible and that showcases the relationships maintained in this single city with 103 languages and multiple nationalities. The artist also presents a video made in 2019 entitled ‘The Eye’, which is part of a wider questioning of the fragility of multicultural societies. Finally, Mickey Pujolar Leray proposes a penetrable installation entitled Vegetalism#1 accompanied by a sound piece. Composed of columns made of torn and inked paper, echoing the programmed disappearance of the plane trees in the Square de la Maladrerie, the installation evokes more broadly a vegetation that struggles to resist the accelerated modernisation of the city of Aubervilliers.
Drawing on the richness and cultural diversity of Aubervilliers but also on its ongoing changes, ‘Where Do We Go From Here’ aims to transform the exhibition space into a place of reconnection: to oneself, to others and to the urban space as it exists. Various actions – screenings, tastings, workshops, research presentations and debates – will be carried out with the public, as invitations to rethink, in the city itself, our relationship to the immediate future.
Works by Marie Ouazzani and Nicolas Carrier are presented in two Ygrec-ENSAPC window displays. First is an installation entitled Goût métal composed of bouquets, images and infusions. The infusions which are meant to be drunk (and visual of which creates a sculptural effect), let us glimpse into the future landscape of Aubervilliers. Each recipe includes a mix between the local plants and others which have been accommodated because of the climate change- they also refer to the city’s market gardening and industrial past while demonstrating its welcoming traits. In the second window display, the artists present two videos taken from a larger project entitled ‘Extra tropical’. This project brings together several short videos made in European port cities. As one would compose the herbarium each video evokes, through a specific tropical plant, the history of a given city. The migration routes of the plants tell us the story of Europe’s colonial and industrial past and its impact on today’s climate, at the same time allowing us to consider their ability to resist the global warming.
Y G R E C – E N S A P C
93300 Aubervilliers