Florent Caron Darras

Musician, composer and sound artist. Specialist teacher, trained at the CNSM of Paris (Prizes for composition, analysis, aesthetics, improvisation) at the IRCAM and the ENS-PSL (doctorate in research-creation SACRe). His current work includes as one of his areas the formal consequences of analogies between the living and the artifice – so that time and soundscape may be conceived as environmental models. His music establishes bridges between audio-naturalism universes (field recording, bioacoustics) spectral music, repetitive music as well as electronic music.

Florent Caron Darras works with ensembles such as the Ensemble intercontemporain, 2e2m, Court-Circuit, TM+, Ars Nova, Cairn, Multilatérale, and internationally with ensemble Muromachi and United instruments of Lucilin. His music has been aired on France Musique and on acousmonium of GRM, and interpreted at the Philharmonie de Paris, the Philharmonie Luxembourg, at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, at the St Mary Church de Tokyo, the Suginami Hall Tokyo, the National Hall Taipei, the Centre Pompidou West Bund Museum of Shanghai, the Centquatre-Paris, the Projection Space at Ircam, the Arsenal in Metzand also during the festivals ManiFeste (Ircam-Centre Pompidou), Présences (Radio France), Mixtur (Barcelone), and the universal exhibition in 2015 (Milan). In 2022, his sound installation Mersion is produced in partnership with the Centre des Monuments Nationaux. In 2022-2024 he is the resident composer at the Cité musicale Metz and with the Orchestre National of Metz Grand-Est.

His “Mondes Sonores” studio at the ENSAPC offers an approach to sound by articulating together technical knowledge, practical experimentations and theoretical thinkings.