Appel à candidatures « Art by translation »
en partenariat avec l’ESBA de Tours-Angers-le Mans et le CNEAI, l’ENSAPC diffuse un appel à candidatures pour le post-master international « Art by translation ».
« Art by Translation is open to young artists and curators seeking to further their research through a postgraduate program dedicated to a specific theme. The first three-year theme is: Translations in the arts.
Art by Translation proposes an experimental platform allowing projects to develop organically in various contexts and in different forms: artworks, architectural constructions, exhibitions, study sessions, symposia and publications with prominent invited lecturers. Its model breaks with the classical “research-exhibition-publication” chronology and aims to reconfigure the traditional boundaries between disciplines. The program stimulates collaborations and exchanges, encouraging the redistribution of roles and competencies. Projects are not considered as final results but rather as stages in a process and points of departure for further elaborations. »